After barely escaping from Raven, Van and the rest find some shelter. Rudolph wakes up and was having a bad dream and wonders if he will ever get back home. Later that morning, Rudolph asks if they could take him to Guygalos and teach him how to pilot a zoid. At the palace, Minister Prozen is sending out search parties and they are still looking for the prince as he explains to Prime Minister Homalef. A whole herd of Rev Raptors and Redlers are searching for the prince, but were taken down by Raven and his Geno Saurer. Van starts teaching Rudolph how to pilot a zoid properly but Rudolph needs more practice. Then he gives Rudolph some special zoid pilot training. They find a bunch of Imperial Redlers with their Zoid Cores ripped out and Dr. D believes the Death Saurer was responsible for the damage and ruins of the Redlers. Dr. D tells everyone about the Legend of Beast of Destruction, the Death Saurer. It goes: One Death Saurer, destroyed a platoon of 1,000 zoids and wiped out a whole nation in one night. They figured that Raven has the Death Saurer, and is using its power to destroy the Redlers. In the middle of the night, Van could not sleep because of the Death Saurer and Rudolph was about to run away. He was stopped as Van stood in his way. They also find out that Rudolph is the next in line for the imperial throne. Rudolph also tells about the ambitions that Prozen has to rule the empire and take control of it. Shadow, Raven's black organoid, shows up and kidnaps Rudolph. Then Rev Raptors show up, dozens of them. Irvine gets in his Command Wolf and Moonbay gets in the Gustav and takes them on. While Van goes after Raven, he learns that Raven's new zoid is a Geno Saurer not a Death Saurer. Raven takes Van on and in a couple of minutes, with the Charged Particle Gun, Raven blows the Shield Liger's core into smithereens. Fortunately, Zeke escapes with Van, but the main point was that the Shield Liger had drawn its last breath.